Rabu, 21 September 2011

Strategi Setan Menjerumuskan Manusia

Strategi Setan Menjerumuskan Manusia

 sumber: http://www.hajiumroh.com/content.php?id_menu=220&id_submenu=7

Sebelum kita mengetahui strategi setan menjerumuskan manusia, ada baiknya terlebih dahulu mengetahui Visi dan Misi setan.
Visi setan adalah memperbudak manusia dan Misi setan mengkondisikan manusia lupa kepada Alah SWT.

Adapun strategi setan untuk mewujudkan visi dan misinya adalah sbb :

1. Waswasah
Waswasah artinya membisikkan keraguan pada manusia ketika melakukan kebaikan atau amal sholeh. Saat kumandang azan subuh dan tubuh kita masih dililit selimut, terbersit dalam pikiran kita, "Nanti lima menit lagi". Ini adalah waswasah. Kenyataannya bukan lima menit tapi satu jam, akhirnya Sholat Shubuh terlambat bahkan tidak sholat.
2. Tazyin
Tazyin artinya membungkus kemaksiatan dengan kenikmatan. Segala yang berbau maksiat biasanya terlihat indah, Misalnya, mengapa orang yang berpacaran lebih mesra daripada suami-istri? Jalan-jalan saat pacaran lebih mengesankan daripada setelah menikah. Ini karena ada unsur tazyin. Pacaran itu maksiat, sementara nikah itu ibadah. Maksiat disulap oleh setan sehingga terasa lebih indah, nikmat dan mengesankan. Inilah yang disebut strategi tazyin.
Tamanni artinya memperdaya manusia dengan khayalan dan angan-angan. Pernahkan terbersit niat akan Shalat Tahjud saat merebahkan badan di tempat tidur? Namun pada jam tiga saat wekwr berbunyi, kita cepat-cepat mematikannya lalu meneruskan tidur.
Pernahkan kita ingin bertobat? Namun pada sat maksiat ada di depan mata, kita tetap saja melakukannya. Ironisnya ini berlangsung berkali-kali. Inilah yang disebut strategi tamanni.
4. A'dawah
A'dawah artinya berusaha menanamkan permusuhan. Setan berikhtiar menumbuhkan permusuhan di anatara manusia. Biasanya permusuhan berawal dari prasangka buruk. Supaya manusia bermusuhan, setan biasanya menumbuhkan prasangka buruk.Karena itu waspadai kalau kita berprasangka buruk pada orang lain, sesungguhnya kita telah terperangkap strategi setan.
5. Takwif
Takwif artinya menakut-nakuti. Pernahkah merasa takut miskin karena menginfakkan sebagian harta, takut disebut sok alim karena datang ke majelis taklim? Kalau kita pernah merasakannya, inilah strategi takhwif.

6. Shaddun
Shaddun artinya berusaha menghalang-halangi manusia menjalankan perintah Allah dengan menggunakan berbagai hambatan. Pernahkah anda merasa malas saat mau melakukan sholat, atau mengantuk saat membacaAl Qur'an meskipun sudah cukup tidur? Ini adalah gejala shaddun dari setan.
7. Wa'dun
Wa'dun artinya janji palsu. Setan berusaha membujuk manusia agar mau mengikutinya dengan memberikan janji-janji yang menggiurkan. Akhirnya manusia mempercayainya. Misalnya, banyak kasus seorang wanita menyerahkan dirinya pada sang pacar karena dijanjikan akan dinikahi, namun setelah hamil sang pacar meninggalkannya begutu saja. Dia tidak mau bertanggung jawab. Inilah contoh wa'dun atau janji palsu dari setan.
8. Kaidun
Kaidun artinya tipu daya. Setan berusaha sekuat tenaga memasang sejumlah perangkap agar manusia terjebak. Pernahkah saat diberi tugas, kita berpikir nanti saja mengerjakannya krn waktu masih lama? Ternyata setelah dekat waktunya kita mengerjakan asal-asalan dan tergesa-gesa sehingga hasilnya tidak optimal atau ada kemunginan pada waktu yang ditentukan pekerjaan tidak selesai. Strategi ini disebut kaidun.
9. Nisyan
Nisyan artinya lupa. Sesungguhnya lupa itu adalah hal yang manusiawi. Lupa memang sesuatu hal yang manusiawi, tetapi setan berusaha agar manusia menjadikan lupa sebagai alasan untuk menutupi tanggung jawab. Pernahkan kita lupa menunaikan janji? lupa sholat? Kalau sesekali itu bisa disebut manusiawi, tetapi kalau sering dilakukan berarti terjebak strategi nisyan.

Demikian ringkasan tentang strategi setan. Semoga kita dapat mencermati dan berusaha agar tidak terjebak strategi setan laknatullah (setan yang dilaknat Allah)

Selasa, 12 April 2011

The Legend Of Kapal Island

          The story came from Belitung, Sumatra.
His name is Ujang. Ujang was a diligent boy. He always helped her parent to look for some food in the forest. He never complained about this. He was really good son.
          One day, the father looked for some bamboo shoot in the forest. Among the bushes, suddenly he found this stick. He then took the stick and saw it. Whose stick is it? The stick was made of gold and there were diamond surrounded the stick. It must be very expensive, the man thought.
Then, he brought the stick home.
          (In the house..........)
Father : “I want to sell this stick. Maybe, we can get a lot of money from this.”
Mother: “But, where can we get the seller. They probably do not believe that
             this stick was so precious.” 
Father : “Yes, if we sell this, people will accuse as a thief and ask where we
              get this stick. It will be dangerous for us.”
Ujang  : “So, what should we do?”
Father: “Ujang, go to the country overseas and sell this stick. And after
              selling this stick, please go home quickly.”
Ujang  : “ Alright father.”
          Then, Ujang went to the country overseas. She asked every good seller about this stick.
Ujang  : “Excuse me, I want to sell this precious stick. Do you want to buy
Seller : “Sorry, son… I can not buy the stick. I don’t have enough money to
              buy it.”
Ujang  : “Can you show me the richest person in this country?”
Seller : “Sure, I can show you.”
          Then, Ujang met the richest person in the country. He sold the stick to the richest. He got a lot of money from that.
          Then, Ujang even got married with the daughter of the rich person in the country. Ujang’s wife was really beautiful. She often asked Ujang about Ujang’s parents. She wanted to meet him. Ujang never told about his family to his wife. He felt embarrassed about his parents, that was only poor family.
Ujang’s wife  : “My husband, don’t you want to meet me with your parents. I
                       really wanted to know about them.”
Ujang           : “I don’t have time to go there. Please don’t ask about my
                       family again.”
          Finally, after his wife kept asking about his parents, Ujang agreed to show his parents to his wife. Ujang prepared a big luxurious ship to sail to his homeland. Then, on the day he had decided, he sailed to his homeland.
          After the ship dock to the beach, all of Ujang’s follower went down to look his parents. Ujang didn’t want to go to his village, he even didn’t want to meet his parents.
          Ujang’s follower arrived to Ujang’s house. They met Ujang’s parents. They said to Ujang’s parents that Ujang had come to village.
          The parents felt so happy about the news. They wanted to see their son immediately. Then, they went to the beach. They were so happy about Ujang’s coming.
Ujang’s parents was so amazed with the luxurious ship. They didn’t expect that Ujang will become a rich people. They looked for Ujang. They really missed his only son.
          Accompanied by one Ujang’s follower, the parents entered the ship. They saw a beautiful woman sat with their son, Ujang. The follower said to Ujang’s wife.
Follower: “Madam, this is Master Ujang’s parent,”
Ujang’s wife: “Really, are you Ujang’s parent? I’m so glad to meet you!. Ujang         my husband, these are your parents. Please, greet them!”
Mother       : “Ujang…Ujang my son!”
Ujang       : “No, you guys are not my parents. I don’t have poor and ugly parents  like you!”
Father        :    “Don’t do this to your mother, Ujang. You are rebellious boy.”
Ujang’s wife: “My husband, you are not supposed to say that. They are your parents. Aren’t you happy to meet him?”
Ujang         : “No, they are not my parents. Don’t you see we are so different. It’s impossible I have a parents like them. Trust me?!”
Ujang’s wife: “But, they are your parents. I believe them!”
Ujang          : “Can not you just keep silent?”
Mother       : “Why he did that us?”
Father       : “Maybe, he felt embarrassed with us. We are a poor and he is rich person now,”
              Unconsciously, Ujang’s mother said something.
Mother       : “I hope your ship will be sunk…”
          Right after Ujang’s mother, suddenly the sky was getting dark. The storm was coming and the thunder struck. Ujang’s ship was crashed by the high wave. It finally sank in the sea.
          Realized about the disaster, Ujang regretted. He shouted and said apologize to his parents.
Ujang     : “Dear mother…father…please forgive me. I’m the rebellious boy…forgive me…
          But, it was to late. Ujang and the ship sank into the sea.
          Time goes by, the body of the ship was covered by mud and miraculously became an island. Now, the island was famous with the name “Kapal” Island. Kapal means ship. The location of Kapal Island was in Belitung, near Sumatra.